Due to the treatment and to starve cancer, my twin flame has to follow a very special diet. To keep the solidarity and a joint eating regime, I decided to follow it as well. So today is exactly a month ago since we started.

The strictest rules apply to what we need to exclude:

No processed or added sugar 

No animal protein, mushrooms or algee

No nuts or spices

No alcohol

No eating between 6 pm and 6 am.

Once you see how beautiful your skin is and how easy it is to lose weight and stay healthy, it'll be easier to follow it.

The principles of eating are very simple:

In the morning - fresh and dried fruits, kefir, honey, water, tea or coffee

From midday till mid-afternoon - 1) green vegetables, 2) non-green vegetables, and 3) beans, peas or lentils. You can eat 150-200 g of each of those groups.

From mid-afternoon till 6 pm - you need 150-250 g of any flour. That can be bread (no yeast or sugar), pasta, rice or polenta.

After I started following it, I felt better and better: no mood swings, no heaviness in the head, no overheating. The skin became nice and smooth. And even though I was already quite skinny 62 kg with 180 cm, I lost most of the extra fat without thinking about it. That just goes to show that some of the things we don't need are starving from this diet.

But the last couple of days I felt a bit light headed and craving meat more and more often. So I'm not sure if I can keep solidarity in that area. Originally I am from the North where because of the severe climate, meat is a source of survival. Let's see.

I'm curious to hear from you: would you follow this diet? and why?

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